Inbox Merger

Got 100s or 1000s of inboxes per client or with the same identity?And your favourite tools directly or indirectly charge per inbox?
(missive, close and just about any CRM)
Or may be your tool hates warm-up Emails?
(looking at you Front)
We've been in that situation too often and too long.And instead of waiting for the startups to implement a more efficient and mature approach to email management, we did it ourselves.But without the hassle of building all the other features. That's their thing.With Inbox Merger you get a single access - mostly via one IMAP and SMTP access per inbox group - that looks like one account for your tools, but can be thousands of accounts.And the best thing:
We act like a proxy.
In your tools, you see all the emails as if you added every single inbox yourself.
Plus we send via our single inboxes. Instead of sending via one clunky master inbox.
And you could save 150-1500$/month. But this shouldn't matter.Think you got it.

Process1. You send us your current inbox setup. (Microsoft/Google, Number of Inboxes, Tools you want to use, name of the inbox group, Warm-up Tags, Email Volume)
2. We send you the confirmation.
3. You pay for the setup.
4. We set up a credential like this:
5. You add your accounts to our inbox merge system via OAuth (Google/Microsoft) or via IMAP/SMTP. FYI: We got easy to use automations for mass authenticating OAuth Inboxes.
6. You add and to your tool of choice. / Add the Front Channel.
7. It just works.

Why would I need this?
If it's not a hell yes, when you think about solving the problems we solve, leave this page.
Do I need to be a coder / technical person?
No. But we strongly recommend that you know what you are doing or have someone on your side that does. Everything that involves setup scripts or custom code can either alternatively be done by our VAs or done by yourself in 5-15 Minutes.
Is it safe?
You could say so. We basically mirror all your inboxes to a single secure IMAP Server which runs on an enterprise-grade cloud in Germany. All outgoing emails are also only briefly touch our secure SMTP Proxy until they are saved to your inbox.
Won't Google/Microsoft/Anyone notice that I use Inbox Merge and put me into spam???
That's the cool thing. They only see us as a normal email client that retrieves the incoming emails and occasionally sends emails via the inboxes. Nothing they count as spammy behaviour. We are not a bulk sending tool like smartlead after all.
But filtering Warm-Up Emails? I can do that myself with filters in the tools / on the inboxes. And Google/Microsoft have to think I am doing something shady?!
Yes, you can filter yourself. An important difference is that we don't touch your actual inboxes, but do the filtering on the proxy inbox layer. Makes it impossible for ESP's to sniff out suspicious auto archival of warm-up emails. Plus, you help your warm-up provider keep up the reputation of the service.
Can you see my emails?
Technically, yes. For performance reasons, we cache your inboxes in the proxy inbox. Which we can obviously access. But so can your other tools. However, we will not do that without your consent.
Don't use us with extremely sensitive data or contact us before for an on-premise setup if you got budget to throw at the problem.
Wow, so can I add the imap to my Apple Mail / Thunderbird / local Outlook?
Yes, but why would you? Have fun managing that.
I have no money, please make it free
Just build it yourself. How hard can it be?

Who's behind it? inbrox com